Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

DIY tail wings/ stabs

Created by wicka > 9 months ago, 8 Aug 2020
77 posts
2 Feb 2021 3:56PM
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Had a go with alternative diy stab. Made a quick n dirty mould from my Axis 460. Goal is to make exact copy that I can chop shop and hack without the risk of ruining myself.

Painted thick gelcoat layer on each mould -> placed wetted carbon fibres once gc gelled -> poured in expandable epoxy -> closed mould and waited for cure.

My hope is that it would be a pop-out stab ready for tweaking.

First try didnt go so well. Actually looked neat, but fibres were not bonding on leading edge so wing came out too soft. Also, I was a little rough when demoulding.

I cut some cross sections to inspect it (pictures)

It is a pretty quick procedure and I believe I can make a wing this way with minimal post processing after demoulding other than cutting away resin fins.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"DIY tail wings/ stabs" started by wicka